This Food Drops Cholesterol by 20%

This Food Drops Cholesterol by 20%

A recent study by Harvard, Brigham, and Women’s Hospital has proven that making this one diet change reduces… • heart attack risk by 28%, • inflammation by 29%, • LDL (bad) cholesterol) by 20%. Plus, it lowers blood sugar levels (as in type-2...
Cholesterol drops with common Asian food

Cholesterol drops with common Asian food

One specific Asian food lowers bad cholesterol, raises good cholesterol and burns body fat, according to a new study in the Journal of Functional Foods. It’s also dirt-cheap, delicious and sold in all supermarkets. Our gut bacteria play a major role in storing fat,...
Common Vitamin Boosts Heart Health by 290% (and beats death)

Common Vitamin Boosts Heart Health by 290% (and beats death)

One of the most important things recommended for heart health is exercise. But what should you do when you feel exhausted after walking up a few steps? How could you possibly endure the gym? According to a new study from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology,...
Common Acid Reflux Drug Causes Fatal Heart Attack

Common Acid Reflux Drug Causes Fatal Heart Attack

This is one of the most prescribed medicines in the world. But it’s not safe. Previous studies have linked this medication to many serious conditions. Including chronic kidney disease and stomach cancer. Now, a new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings adds to...
Aspirin alert: Terrifying heart attack connection

Aspirin alert: Terrifying heart attack connection

Doctors have long been prescribing aspirin as a blood thinner to anyone at risk of heart disease. But does it help? Or does it harm? This has never been well-researched. A new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine attempts to answer these questions....
To Avoid Heart Attack, Do This ONE Thing

To Avoid Heart Attack, Do This ONE Thing

Most heart health advice: all “DON’Ts” no “DO’s.” – Don’t eat fats, – don’t eat sugar, – don’t eat cholesterol, …don’t, don’t, don’t. So it’s nice to get one DO advice, right? Because there is one thing that you must “do” to save yourself from heart attacks. Yet the...